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Gavin Kelly is now an Author - Published two books


Gavin Kelly, an esteemed figure in the paranormal field, has unveiled his latest literary offering, "Ghost Hunting: Sensationalism in Social Media." With years of dedicated experience in probing the unexplained and delving into the mysteries of the supernatural, Kelly brings a refreshing perspective on the prevalent trends of sensationalism within social media and its impact on ghost hunting. His book is a compelling exposé, meticulously dissecting the exaggerations, distortions, and misinformation often prevalent in online platforms. Through astute analysis and firsthand accounts, Kelly navigates the reader through the maze of viral ghost stories, separating fact from nonfiction and shedding light on the genuine pursuit of uncovering paranormal truths. This intriguing literary endeavor reflects Kelly's expertise and invites readers to reevaluate their perceptions of the supernatural in the digital age.


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2 More Books on the Horizon


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Release Date: 2025

Paula Purcell Kelly is now an Author - Published her first book with a 2nd one dropping December 1st, 2024


Paula Purcell-Kelly. Paula is a longtime native to Paducah, I have always been a history nut my whole life. I have been involved in the paranormal since 2012 with my own house having paranormal activity. I always was fascinated with my hometown history and have collected ghost stories about Paducah and across the U.S. My husband, Gavin Kelly, and I formed the Phantasmic Ghosthunters in 2012 and have been strong in the paranormal world since. You can catch me on PARANORMAL JOURNEY INTO THE UNKNOWN on Amazon Prime, and TRUTH AND LEGENDS IN YOUR HOMETOWN on ParaFlixx with her husband, Gavin Kelly. I have more writing projects to follow this is only the beginning

NOW Available at Barnes & Noble


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Season1 T or L.png

Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01E01 - Release Date 03-12-22
Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01E02 -Release Date 11-26-22
Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01E03 - Release Date 12-03-22
Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01E04 - Release Date 12-10-22
Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01E05 - Release Date 12-31-22

Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01E06 - Release Date  4-20-23


Season 2 is currently in POST. Release Date TBA  



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Truth or Legends in your Hometown - S01 & S02 Editing Stages
Truth or Legends in your Hometown - Pre-Production  S03
Abandoned Paranormal ROADTRIP - S01 Editing Stages
Kentucky HAUNTS - S01 Editing Stages
The Paranormal Journey: Into the Unknown - S02 Editing Stages


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Season One of Truth or Legends in your Hometown finished filming November 2019. Editing started up in JAN

Came to an abrupt halt when the Pandemic set in. Our editing team in Burbank, CA were in Lockdown.  COVID

Restrictions caused our production to STOP. Once restrictions were removed for us here in Kentucky and our

neighboring states, we started filming Season 2 of Truth or Legends in your Hometown. 4 out of 6 teams 

were filmed this year. Restrictions came back and we had to postpone filming of the last two teams till 2021.

Episode One was released at the RED CARPET Event back in September 2019. The one and only finished Episode.

Working along side very talented Executive Producers from A&E, Netflix, Travel Channel. I was able to complete

the first episode myself. It took a lot of time, but the finished product was mind blowing. Stay tuned. More to 

come. The show was pitched to numerous networks and streaming platforms. Back in May 2021 we signed with Paraflixx and then with Roku. Currently in talks with executives from Dark Zone TV and the season is currently under review with Discovery +     You can watch the 1st Episode streaming on Roku/Paraflixx now!

2020 was going to one heck of a year for The Paranormal Journey: Into the Unknown and the Production Company. COVID & RESTRICTIONS didn't allow this

to happen so, Here's to 2021! ( Hopefully this will be a good year for all of us )

Join Gavin Kelly, Paula Purcell, and their Special guest to seek out the existence of Life after death by going to numerous Haunted locations such as jails, hospitals, Battlefields, and museums. Collecting compelling evidence by means of Video, Photography, and EVP's. SEASON 1 brings you along as the crew investigates the St. Albans Sanatorium, Old South Pittsburgh Hospital, Jail House Pizza & The Monroe House.
You can watch Season 1 here...

Season 1 - Reboot coming soon




Truth or Legends in your Hometown

was indeed picked up by Paraflixx, you

can watch the first episode on 

Apple TV, FireTV, RokuTV and 



The year of EDITING!

We have been editing day and night

to being to you 3 NEW! Episodes of

Truth or Legends in your Hometown



Paula releases her first book

"Ghostly Tales of McCracken County Kentucky"

Release date: Jan 5th, 2023

Barnes & Nobles


Gavin Kelly may have a book coming out

"The Paranormal Journey: Into the Unknown"

Life as a filmmaker and Investigator


All rights Reserved 2015 Phantasmic Ghost Hunters

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